Venues of Euro-Par 2019

Arrival and Departure

As already mentioned, Göttingen is not a very big city. We do not have our own airport. But we, the 200,000 inhabitants, get along very well with it, because we have excellent rail connections to Hanover and Frankfurt am Main.
Flight and Train Connections to Göttingen
- Many flights within Europe arrive at Hannover Airport, the nearest airport.
- International flights usually arrive in Frankfurt am Main.
At the train station of Göttingen more than 100 ICE connections each day allow a convenient travel. ICE is the fastest train in Germany.
- It will in general take less than an hour from Hannover Airport to Göttingen station.
- From Frankfurt am Main it takes two to three hours to reach Göttingen, depending on the connection.
Using the Car
Göttingen is located at the most important north-south tangent of Germany, the A 7, and the new East-West connection, the A 38.
Submission deadline for the Euro-Pas PhD Symposium has been extended to 27 May, 2023.
Click here for more information -
17.05.2023 - 11:51
The Euro-Par PhD Symposium is a welcoming and supportive forum for PhD students to present their work. Click here for more information:
04.04.2023 - 09:25
Submit your paper for EURO-PAR 2023 Workshops and Minisymposia!
📰Click here for more information.
07.03.2023 - 08:18
Abstract submission is due tomorrow 24 Feb, 2023 ⏰
23.02.2023 - 09:38
Workshop list for EURO-PAR 2023 has been updated
21.12.2022 - 14:43
Click here for information on "Asynchronous Many-Task systems for Exascale - AMTE 2023" workshop that will be held during EURO-PAR 2023.
09.12.2022 - 07:54
Check out the Call for Posters and Demos here:
09.11.2022 - 14:32
Call for Papers for EURO-PAR 2023 is now available!
09.11.2022 - 14:31
Call for Workshops and Minisymposia is posted!
05.11.2022 - 20:29
SAVE THE DATE: EURO-PAR 2023 will be held in Limassol, Cyprus, 28 August – 1 September 2023
24.10.2022 - 15:15
if you are joining us in @UofGlasgow for @euro_par this August please check out our website where you can find information on Travel and Activities
22.06.2022 - 13:09
@euro_par announced the PhD symposium for 2022 please find more information here:
* Key Dates
Submissions: 20 May 2022
Notifications: 27 June 2022
27.04.2022 - 16:37
And a correction the Abstract submission extension is until Feb 11, 2022! Still a few days to go!
08.02.2022 - 12:55
[Euro-Par 2021] Call for Participation -
11.08.2021 - 11:40
Euro-Par 2021 - Call for Workshop Papers (deadline extended until 14 June) -
31.05.2021 - 15:46
Euro-Par 2021 - Call for PhD Symposium Submissions (extended deadline: 14 May AoE) -
07.05.2021 - 13:58
Euro-Par 2021: Call for Workshop Papers (deadline extended till 14 May)
06.05.2021 - 20:58
Euro-Par 2021 - Call for Workshop Papers (deadline extended until 14 May) -
06.05.2021 - 20:10
Euro-Par 2021 - Call for Workshop Papers -
29.03.2021 - 21:45
Euro-Par 2021 - Call for PhD Symposium Submissions -
29.03.2021 - 15:46
Euro-Par 2021 - Call for Workshops -
11.02.2021 - 15:52
Extended deadline: 14 days left for submitting your full paper to Euro-Par 2021 (virtual)! - *||*
05.02.2021 - 12:25
Euro-Par 2021 - Call for Workshops - *||*
03.02.2021 - 16:52
RT @euro_par: Call for Papers!
Conference dates: Lisbon (virtual), Portugal, August 30-September 3, 2021
28.01.2021 - 23:24
Euro-Par 2021 - Call for Papers -
19.01.2021 - 11:53
RT @euro_par: Looking forward to the Keynote of
Piotr Sankowski -
Breaking the PRAM O(log n) complexity bounds on massive parallel computat…
27.08.2020 - 23:06
RT @euro_par: The program is announced:
14.08.2020 - 18:58
The program is announced:
14.08.2020 - 18:58
RT @euro_par: The main program is scheduled for 26-28 August afternoons CET/mornings EST and the workshops for 24-25 August. We plan a stro…
30.07.2020 - 23:10
RT @euro_par: Euro-Par 2020: Call for Participation
24-28 August 2020,
Free registration at…
30.07.2020 - 23:10
RT @euro_par: The 26th edition of Euro-Par will be a virtual conference. Participation for non-speakers is **free of charge**. We ask you *…
29.07.2020 - 22:46
Euro-Par 2020: Call for Participation
24-28 August 2020,
Free registration at
Register by 20 August 2020
29.07.2020 - 22:32
RT @MorrisRiedel: @euro_par 2020 Conference goes virtual - As global chair of Topic 5 #Datamanagement #DataAnalytics #MachineLearning & cha…
23.04.2020 - 20:56
RT @euro_par: Important Dates
* Abstract Submission: *extended to 10 February, 23:59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE)* *final extension*
* Paper Sub…
10.02.2020 - 10:18
40 days left to submit your abstracts!
30.12.2019 - 13:36
EuroPar posters were recently seen at SC 2019 conference.
06.12.2019 - 12:14
Thanks to everyone who joined us at this years #europar #conference in #Göttingen. Have a save journey home and we hope to see you all next year in Warsaw!
30.08.2019 - 12:35
Come join us for the conference dinner at @BullerjahnGoe #europar #confernce #goettingen
29.08.2019 - 19:11
@rosabadia getting the Euro-Par 2019 award!
29.08.2019 - 18:19
Congratulation to @rosabadia of @BSC_CNS for the Euro-par 2019 Achievement Award!
29.08.2019 - 17:57
Krzysztof Rzadca of @UniWarszawski and Maciej Malawski of @AGH_Krakow just invited us all to Warsaw for #europar 2020!
29.08.2019 - 17:55
Time for some snacks, drinks and socializing during vendor talks and HPC bazaar. #europar #conference #göttingen
28.08.2019 - 16:31
Don't forget: the next session will take place at the SUB/HG Paulinerkirche.
28.08.2019 - 15:26
Leave your mark on the Euro-Par 2019: We invite you to leave us a message in our guest book. #europar #conference #Göttingen
28.08.2019 - 14:47
Do you want to get to know our beautiful host city #Göttingen? Then register at our registration desk for the guided city tours tonight!
28.08.2019 - 12:30
Do you want to get to know our beautiful host city #Göttingen? Then register for the guided city tours tonight at!
28.08.2019 - 11:31
Registration for Euro-Par 2019 opened. Early bird fees until July 12, 2019.
05.06.2019 - 17:20
Good news! Submission Deadline for Workshop Papers and Posters extended until May 24, 2019. 10 days left - so hurry up.
14.05.2019 - 19:06
Call for Posters opened!
The Poster Call is especially aimed at young scientists.👩🎓👨🎓
29.03.2019 - 17:47
Call for Workshop Papers opened today.
22.03.2019 - 15:38
Thanks to all contributors of scientific papers. Great job. The chairs started with the review. Keep our fingers crossed for everyone.
27.02.2019 - 16:04
Call for Papers E X T E N D E D!
New Deadline: February 25, 2019, 4 pm CET⏳
18.02.2019 - 11:53