Camera-ready instructions


Relevant only for accepted conference paper and workshop paper

The Euro-Par proceedings are published by Springer-Verlag.

Please follow the guidelines for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).


LNCS Guidelines - Most important Items at a Glance

To prepare the camera ready version of your accepted paper please refer to this page on the Springer Web site, which contains:

Please notice

The LNCS style file must be strictly followed, as all source files will be manually reviewed and any tweak to the style file (spacing, margins, etc.) will be removed. Papers not strictly adhering the style will not be considered for publication in the conference proceedings.

The page limit for the original submission was 12 pages. If you need to extend your article to take into account reviews, you may use one or two extra pages without any cost (14 pages, including references, is a hard limit).

Authors of papers with an associated accepted artifact will receive a unique identifier for the artifact to be inserted in the paper. If you have submitted an artifact that has been positively evaluated, please wait for this identifier before uploading the camera-ready version of your paper.

Please sign by hand a copy of the LNCS copyright agreement for the publication in the conference proceedings (Conference title: Euro-Par 2019, Editors : Yahyapour et al.). One author may sign on behalf of all the authors of a particular paper, provided that permission to do so has been accorded by the others author in advance. Digital signatures are not allowed.

All source files (LaTeX file, figures, and references as .bbl file) must be included in a compressed archive (zip or tgz format) and then uploaded using EasyChair as an update of your original submission along with the PDF of the camera-ready version of your paper and a PDF scan of the signed copyright form.

Finally, remember that at least one author should register as speaker to the conference to have the paper published in the proceedings. One speaker registration for each paper must be completed by June 1, 2019.





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