Celebrating the 25th Anniversary in Göttingen August 26 - 30,  2019Euro-Par 2019 in Göttingen... August 26 - 30,  2019DOWNLOAD 25th Anniversary Brochure, please scroll down.
DOWNLOAD 25th Anniversary Brochure Impressions of Euro-Par 2019
Göttingen welcomes the Euro-Par 2019
For many years Euro-Par has been established as one of the most important High Performance Computing Conferences.
Euro-Par is the prime European conference covering all aspects of parallel and distributed processing, ranging
from theory to practice, from small to the largest parallel and distributed systems and infrastructures, from
fundamental computational problems to full-fledged applications, from architecture, compiler, language and
interface design and implementation, to tools, support infrastructures, and application performance aspects.
Euro-Par’s unique organization into topics provides an excellent forum for focused technical discussion, as well as
interaction with a large, broad and diverse audience.♦
On the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of Euro-Par, Springer grants all conference participants free access rights to
SpringerLink European Conference on Parallel Processing - All Proceeding Titles
for a period of four weeks.
Download Conference Poster 2019GÖTTINGEN IS DIFFERENT
In Göttingen science and academic education play a fundamental role. With a little luck you will be privileged to experience some strange traditions. The picture shows the most kissed girl in the world, the Gänseliesel, which could be translated Goose Lilly, one of Göttingen's most popular sights. It is common practice for every new doctor to give flowers to this eternally young lady and then kiss her. The Gänseliesel is standing in the middle of a water-filled fountain on the historic Göttingen market square. To kiss her, the candidate has to climb over the slippery water basin. For a long time this practice was forbidden, but no one followed it. This restriction was valid until 2011.
This sign reminds of the founding days of the university in the early 18th century. But the figure is not older than 100 years. Because the students should concentrate on their studies, a small town in the south of the Kingdom of Hanover was chosen as the location for a new innovative university: Göttingen. A small sleepy town which until then was only known for its delicious sausages and Christmas geese. It was a typical scene at this time. Maids sold geese on the market square or drove them to water in the morning.
Germany as we know it today did not exist back then. The Kingdom of Hanover was co-governed by the King of England. George II. August was king at that time. The Georgia Augusta University was given his name.
Mission statement of the Georg August University of Göttingen since 1737GÖTTINGEN - STADT, DIE WISSEN SCHAFFT - CITY THAT CREATES KNOWLEDGE
Data Centre of the University of Göttingen and the Max Planck Society«
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Submission deadline for the Euro-Pas PhD Symposium has been extended to 27 May, 2023.
Click here for more information - https://t.co/wWxisICJSC
17.05.2023 - 11:51
The Euro-Par PhD Symposium is a welcoming and supportive forum for PhD students to present their work. Click here for more information: https://t.co/wWxisICJSC
04.04.2023 - 09:25
Submit your paper for EURO-PAR 2023 Workshops and Minisymposia!
📰Click here for more information.
07.03.2023 - 08:18
Abstract submission is due tomorrow 24 Feb, 2023 ⏰
23.02.2023 - 09:38
Workshop list for EURO-PAR 2023 has been updated
21.12.2022 - 14:43
Click here for information on "Asynchronous Many-Task systems for Exascale - AMTE 2023" workshop that will be held during EURO-PAR 2023.
09.12.2022 - 07:54
Check out the Call for Posters and Demos here: https://t.co/1ngWWQFbJh
09.11.2022 - 14:32
Call for Papers for EURO-PAR 2023 is now available!
09.11.2022 - 14:31
Call for Workshops and Minisymposia is posted! https://t.co/zdI7EEkuIu
05.11.2022 - 20:29
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