Registration for EURO-PAR 2019
Registration Desk
Registration desk open from 08:30 am
Registration for the Workshop Programme is in SUB ► Map
Papendiek 14, 37073 Göttingen, Foyer ground floor (Walking distance to Alte Mensa: 5 minutes)
Tuesday 27.08.2018, 16:00, REGISTRATION DESK CHANGES ► Map
Alte Mensa, Wilhelmsplatz 3, 37073 Göttingen, Foyer ground floor

Additional Offer
One-Day-Tickets available until August 15, 2019: 215 Euro
Available at Conference desk
Terms and Conditions
Please read the following information carefully.
The link to the registration platform can be found below.
Data protection: About the handling of your data
Be aware that by registering, you are submitting personal data.
We need this data for
- the registration process
- the organization of the event
- to provide you with information on Euro-Par
- to improve offers and services
- If you decide to use the conference App additional. This is not mandatory, but only an additional service and to get information quickly and easily and to network with the other participants.
Euro-Par 2019 uses an online registration tool and an event App from her partner EventMobi.
GWDG and EventMobi each take technical and organisational measures for the appropriate protection of your data which meet the requirements of the Data Protection Basic Regulation (Art. 32 DSGVO). These safeguards ensure the long-term confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of the systems and services in connection with the processing of your data.
You will find all relevant information in the Privacy Policy on the conference webpage.
- Registrations are only valid for the named person. They are not transferable.
- All information should be typed in upper and lower case (for example John Doe)
- Registration and payment are linked.
- After completing the registration form you have the possibility to edit your data before completing the payment.
- You will receive automatic confirmations of registration and payment.
- Invoices will only be sent if requested during registration. Please provide all necessary information in the registration form.
- If you need an invitation letter to apply for a visa, don't forget to tick it on the registration form.
The registration tool can be accessed from any device with a web browser, whether smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop.
- On your mobile browser: Android 5.0 and later, iOS 9 and later
- The tool is also supported by all popular desktop browsers: Firefox 20 and later, Safari 6,0 and later, Chrome 19 and later, Internet Explorer 9 and later.
Registration will be open until August 15, 2019.
Please note: If you register Early Bird you will save about 15 %. Early Bird registrations are only possible until July, 12, 2019.
Conference App (not mandatory)
In the confirmation email you will find a link to the Euro-Par 2019 Conference App. You can also register there. The App is operated by our partner EventMobi GmbH. Please note their privacy policy
As an EventMobi user, you can set up your own free, password-protected access for one year. The access can be cancelled at any time.
On the App
- You will find information about Euro-Par 2019
- You can network with other conference participants
- In a few weeks you can create your individual conference program with the App
- During the conference, we will send notifications and collect feedback if necessary.
- In case of problems with the registration form, please contact europar-orga@
Terms of use: It is expressly forbidden to pass on the access to the Conference App and the password to third parties. The Conference App may only be used within the scope of Euro-Par 2019. The Event App may not be used in any way to offend against applicable law. The terms and conditions for the use of EventMobi services are obligatory for all users.
Cancellation Policy
- To cancel your registration please contact europar-orga@.
- Refunds will be made if cancellation is requested before August 15, 2019.
- Please notice: Cancellations received later will not be refunded.
- A fee of € 135 will be charged for processing the cancellation.
The organisers of Euro-Par 2019 will not be liable for any personal injury or damage to property during the participation in Euro-Par 2019. Please take care of appropriate insurance yourself.
- We recommend an international health insurance with return transport to your home country.
- Please Note: In Germany, everyone has to pay for damages they cause.
Note regarding photo and video recording
At Euro-Par 2019 the organisers will take photos and videos which will be published later in publications and especially on the Euro-Par website. In addition, there is the possibility that photos of the speakers can be shown in the program. If it is of public interest, the publication of images is permitted under German law. In all other cases, you have the right to forbid the publication of a photo or video on which you are shown. If you want to disagree with the publication of photos or videos, please inform us in written at the latest by 15.08.2019.
Please ensure you have read and understood the Terms and Conditions mentioned above as well as the Privacy Policy.
If you have any questions, please contact europar-orga@.
Register now
Please note
The registration system does not generate invoices automatically. The GWDG accounting department delivers them by email.