Call for Bids to Host Euro-Par 2026

At its next meeting in 2024 in Madrid, Spain, the Euro-Par Steering Committee will consider bids to host Euro-Par 2026. Bids are expected from active researchers, not from congress management companies. It helps if the bidder has had previous Euro-Par experience. Potential sites that pass the preselection phase will be asked to submit a full bid and will be advised in its preparation. Statements of intent should be brief (around five pages) and should contain information in telegram style on

  • the site (local infrastructure and travel connections)
  • the organization team (the person(s) in charge, their experience in running conferences, their research experience in parallel computing)
  • the budget (major line items; important: local cost factors like room charges, etc.)

Statements of intent must be submitted in electronic form to

The timeline is as follows:

  • 31 January 2024: statement of intent due
  • Spring 2024: reviewing of the preliminary statements by the Steering Committee, and recommendations issued to each of the sites for the full bid
  • 15 July 2024: full bids due
  • August 2024, at Euro-Par 2024: final decision for 2026

Institutions wishing to make a bid should be able to provide the usual facilities to run a conference for up to 250 delegates including both plenary sessions and at least three parallel streams. If you have serious plans to make a bid, please contact the Chair of the Euro-Par Steering Committee in advance. You will be given more detailed guidelines.

Full bids should include details of the people responsible for the conference organisation, of the facilities to be used, of access (i.e., local airport and transfer to conference centre etc.), a draft budget based on a break-even figure of 200 delegates, and a brief supporting case which takes account of each of the evaluation criteria listed below. The budget should indicate what is inclusive in the delegate fee (e.g., proceedings, refreshments, lunches, etc.). A set of satellite workshops accompanying the conference must also be administered. The conference fee should not exceed EUR 600 for conference+workshops.

Full bids should not exceed ten A4 pages in length but may include, as appendices, brochures or other printed material concerning the locale and conference facilities, if these are available. Bids will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Cost
  • Academic reputation
  • Level of commitment
  • Transport and accessibility
  • Maintaining a balance between different European countries
  • Experience of the organisation in hosting international conferences

Bids are open to all European countries, including the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Prof. Christian Lengauer
University of Passau
D-94030 Passau




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