Paper Review and Workshop Proceedings

Relevant only for accepted Workshop Paper


Workshop Paper Review

The Euro-Par organizers will provide an EasyChair setup for all Euro-Par 2019 workshops, and its use is mandatory to facilitate paper submissions, reviewing, and collecting the camera-ready versions. Each workshop will be an independent track within the Workshops' EasyChair installation, but it will be fully manageable by the respective organizers.

Workshop Proceedings

The workshop proceedings will be published in a separate LNCS workshop volume after the conference. Only long papers (10-12 pages), which have been positively reviewed by at least 3 referees before being presented at the workshop, may be included in the Springer workshop proceedings. Only the accepted papers presented at the workshop will be published in the final proceedings.  
The principal coordinator of each workshop will appear as co-editor of the workshop volume. 
Registered workshop participants will receive an electronic copy of the volume by email. 
For all authors the Autors Instructions (LINK) for LNCS Guidelines are mandatory.

Papers of less than 10 pages will be considered as short papers that can be presented at the conference but not published in the proceedings. 





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